Crow Shields Bailey PC COVID-19 Response

As we all find ourselves in uncharted territory, we want to share with you how CSB is responding to Coronavirus (COVID-19).

CSB is concerned with the health of our clients, team members, vendors and the communities we serve.

We have a plan in place to ensure continuity of services to our clients.  Our team has the ability to work remotely and can access client information in a safe and secure manner. Whether we are working in our offices or remotely, the lines of communication will remain open.

What you should know:

  • CSB will have drop off boxes in the lobbies of each of our three locations to limit hand-to-hand contact.
  • We will also need to do more phone meetings rather than meeting face-to-face.
  • We will rely on the use of our secure file transfer services such as SafeSend (to electronically receive and sign tax returns) or Sharefile (to send and receive documents which do not require signatures).

Our plan is to have personnel in each of our offices. However, we will follow local regulations and guidance regarding whether an office should be closed.

We value our relationship with you and will continue to provide updates as needed as we navigate these unprecedented times.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. We hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy.


Gina McKellar

Managing Shareholder