Crow Shields Bailey PC (CSB) is proud to announce the growth of our leadership team with new firm shareholders, Andrew Bailey and Kenny Crow, III. During their CSB tenure, Andrew and Kenny have remained dedicated to moving the firm forward through innovative solutions to build stronger team and client relationships, supporting the firm’s next chapter of growth. With national accounting firm experience and a proven leadership track record at CSB, both Andrew and Kenny will continue contributing to our firm’s trusted reputation.
CSB is committed to remaining relevant in the ever-changing public accounting space and focusing on building out career tracks designed to encourage collaboration, allowing young team members to share ideas freely and have a seat at the table.
Andrew and Kenny have continually challenged the status quo to help CSB remain innovative and to strengthen the firm’s work culture. Keep reading to get to know our new shareholders.
Why did you choose to work in accounting?
- Andrew: I’d like to say it’s in my blood, as I have a granddad and uncle who were accountants, but in all honesty, I just enjoyed my Intro to Accounting class at Birmingham-Southern, so I progressed along. I also had great professors and classmates that showed me what an accounting career could look like, and the choice was easy.
- Kenny: I saw it as a steppingstone to gain experience and figure out what area of finance I enjoyed most. But after a few years, I discovered accounting was a great fit for my skillset, and I enjoyed working in the profession.
What would you go back and tell yourself as an intern?
- Andrew: Don’t beat yourself up about not knowing something. Always have an open mind, be willing to learn and humble yourself.
- Kenny: Ask questions and lean on your supervisor when you don’t know something. At that point in your career, you don’t know what you don’t know, so embrace leaning on others and expediting your learning process.
What is your favorite thing about working for CSB?
What gets you excited about working 10 years from now?
- Andrew: Eastern Shore and Baldwin County have a large projected growth over the next few years. I look forward to reaching areas in these untapped and growing markets and helping my existing clients take advantage of it.
- Kenny: CSB is set up to successfully challenge traditional accounting firms’ operational standards. Our progressiveness can help the firm explode based on the projected trajectory of Mobile and Baldwin Counties. I look forward to capitalizing on the opportunities that result from this growth.
What mistakes did you make early in your career that helped you grow?
- Andrew: Early in my career, I had to learn to slow down to see the forest through the trees. You have to understand the bigger picture before you can successfully accomplish your goals.
- Kenny: The biggest thing I learned from early mistakes is to communicate early, often and clearly. Clear communication is the key to having effective and lasting relationships with clients and internally with personnel.
Why should a young CPA stay in public accounting?
- Andrew: You are in control. Your earning potential isn’t limited, and you have the power to shape the direction of your career.
- Kenny: Public accounting offers a chance to work with a diverse range of clients. It’s rewarding to help guide those clients through challenges and navigate their ever-changing industry landscape and businesses. We are able to offer much more value to our clients as trusted advisors in addition to compliance work.
What is your favorite thing about Mobile/Baldwin County?
- Andrew: The culture and lifestyle. It’s a great place to work and raise a family, plus there is a little something for everyone – great restaurants and schools, the bay and beaches, Mardi Gras, easy access to boating and outdoor activities, and much more.
- Kenny: I love the pride people have in growing up or living in the area and the easy access to Mobile Bay.